Colourful chivda

10:25 PM

Colourful, healthy & tasty chivda for this Diwali !!

Ingredients :
 Bhajke Pohe (Flattened puff rice ( not  murmura ) : 3 cups
 It is easily available in the market.
Oil 4-5 tsp
Roasted peanuts : 1/2 cup
Roasted Almonds : 1/2 cup
Roasted daliya ( dale ) : 1/2 cup
Curry Leaves :  1/4 cup
Hing : 1/2  tsp
Turmeric powder : 1/4 tsp
Green chilli : 3-4 or as per your taste
Coriander powder : 2 tsp
Cumin powder : 1 tsp
Mango powder ( amchur ) : 1/2 tsp
Red chilli powder : 1 tsp or as per your taste
Salt : 1 tsp
Powdered sugar : 2 tsp
Here for a twist I prepare small flat disc or bundi out of besan using spinach pulp & beet root pulp for colourful bundis.
For preparing bundi : 4 tsp besan, 2 tsp spinach or beet root pulp,little salt & prepare a batter of dropping consistancy using water. Add little salt. Make 2 different batters of 2 colours. Prepare bundi out of it & mix in the chivda!!

 1. In a heavy  bottom pan add 5 tsp oil.
2. Add peanuts, almonds, dale , green chillis , curry leaves .
3. Stir properly till it becomes crispy. Keep it aside.
4. Dry roast bhajke pohe for 2 minutes. Add pohe to above mixture.
5. Take remaining oil in a bowl. All all dry ingredients & mix well.
6.Add this paste to chivda & mix throughly.
7.Add coloured bundi & mix.
 Enjoy this colourful & healthy chivda !!

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